Disputes and Advocacy

We encourage you to contact customer service with any questions or issues. If that does not resolve your situation, additional resources are available.

Credit Dispute

If you believe the information on your credit report is inaccurate, you may file a dispute either with us or with one of the consumer reporting agencies.

File with Aspire Servicing Center

Write to the address below and include all of the following:

  • Your full name, address, phone and account number. See sample bill (PDF) for account number location.
  • Details about the information you are disputing.
  • The reason you believe the information is not accurate.
  • Any documentation that supports your dispute.

Mailing Address

Credit Department
Aspire Servicing Center
P.O. Box 659705
West Des Moines, IA 50265-0970

Contact the Consumer Reporting Agencies

To file a dispute directly with a consumer reporting agency, contact the agency.

Student Loan Advocate

Our customer service representatives are available to help with questions, account or payment assistance, and documents. Send a secure email or call (800) 243-7552 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (Central time) Monday through Friday for help.

If you have already worked with our customer service representatives but have not been able to resolve an issue, you may send a secure email to the student loan advocate.

Student Loan Ombudsman

If you have already worked with us but not been able to resolve an issues with a federal student loan, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Student Financial Assistance offers the Student Loan Ombudsman's office to help resolve concerns.

FSA Ombudsman Group
P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 4263

Phone: (877) 557-2575
Website: https://studentaid.gov/feedback-ombudsman/disputes

State Advocacy Groups

Your state may offer a student loan advocacy or ombudsman group.


Department of Financial Protection and Innovation
Attn: Consumer Services

Phone: (866) 275-2677
Website: https://dfpi.ca.gov/file-a-complaint/


Massachusetts Student Loan Ombudsman
Student Loan Assistance Unit

Phone: (888) 830-6277
Website: https://www.mass.gov/forms/submit-a-student-loan-help-request


Colorado Department of Law
Consumer Protection Section
Consumer Credit Unit - SLS

Phone: (720) 508-6975
Email: CSLSA@coag.gov
Website: https://coag.gov/studentloans


Minnesota Department of Commerce

Phone: (651) 539-1600
Website: https://mn.gov/commerce/money/consumer/student-loans/

New Jersey

Student Loan Ombudsman
Department of Banking & Insurance

Phone: (800) 446-7467
Website: https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_consumers/finance/studentloan/index.html

District of Columbia

Student Loan Ombudsman
Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

Phone: (202) 727-8000 or (855) 411-2372
Email: DCLoanHelp@dc.gov
Website: https://disb.dc.gov/studentloanhelp

New York

NYS Department of Financial Services

Phone: (800) 342-3736
Email: students@dfs.ny.gov
Website: https://www.dfs.ny.gov/consumers/student_protection


Student Loan Ombudsman
Illinois Attorney General Office

Phone: (800) 455-2456
Website: https://illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/consumers/student_lending.html


Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection

Phone: (207) 624-8527 or (800) 332-8529
Website: https://www.maine.gov/pfr/consumercredit/index.shtml


Scott Kemp, Student Loan Advocate
Office of the Qualified Education Loan Ombudsman
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
James Monroe Building, 9th Floor
101 N. 14th Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Phone: (804) 225-2600
Email: studentloan@schev.edu
Website: https://www.schev.edu/students/student-loan-advising/private-loan


Student Loan Ombudsman
Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
500 North Calvert Street, Suite 402
Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: (410) 230-6077 or (888) 784-0136
Email: studentloan.ombudsman@maryland.gov

MD Collection Agency license No. 6263 — NMLS Consumer Access: https://nmlsconsumeraccess.org


Student Loan Advocate
Washington Student Achievement Council
917 Lakeridge Way SW
Olympia, WA 98502

Phone: (833) 881-0397
Email: studentloanadvocate@wsac.wa.gov
Website: https://wsac.wa.gov/loan-advocacy