Loan Assistance

You may reduce your overall debt or your monthly payments through one or more of several methods.

Delay Payments Temporarily

If you are unable to make your minimum monthly payment, you may be eligible to temporarily delay required payments through deferment or forbearance.

Outstanding accrued interest may be capitalized at the end of the assistance period, increasing your principal balance.


To determine what type of assistance is best for your situation:

Disaster Relief

If you have been affected by a natural disaster, you may be able to postpone your payments. Contact us to request assistance.

Change Repayment Plans

You may choose to switch to a repayment plan that reduces your minimum monthly payment or provides other benefits.

For information about the repayment plans you currently have or to estimate your payments under a different repayment plan, contact us.

Federal Loan Plans

The U.S. Department of Education offers multiple repayment plans for federal student loans.

  1. Review .
    • Standard Repayment Plan
    • Graduated Repayment Plan
    • Income-Based Repayment Plan
    • Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan
  2. Use Federal Student Aid's Loan Simulator to check eligibility and estimated payments.
  3. Complete and submit the appropriate request form.

Private Loan Plans

Private student loans we service are on the Standard Repayment Plan, unless you are approved to lower and extend your payments through another option.

Make Extra Payments

Extra payments may reduce your overall debt if you pay all accrued interest and pay larger amounts to principal. You may also choose to make payments that cover accruing interest when payments are not required, such as during deferment or forbearance, but interest will capitalize or be added to your principal balance.

See how to allocate extra payments.

Apply for Loan Forgiveness or Discharge

Certain careers qualify for loan forgiveness:

Some other circumstances also qualify for discharge or forgiveness:

Receive Military Service Benefits

Service members may be eligible for one or more benefits to reduce overall debt. Request deferment or forbearance for federal student loans.

Submit Documents

You may submit most completed and signed forms securely online for faster processing of your request and to save money on postage. You will need to enter identifying information and check your email for a unique URL before uploading documents.