Federal Student Loan Deferment
As long as you can demonstrate that you meet the conditions for the type of deferment you are requesting, you are entitled to a deferment on your federal loans.
Note: Not all federal loans qualify for every type of deferment. In addition, borrower benefit programs may be revoked or suspended during periods of deferment. Please review the request forms thoroughly or call us at (800) 243-7552 if you have questions.
Interest During Deferment
Interest accrues daily on student loans. Interest that is not paid during deferments capitalizes, or is added to the principal balance of your loans, at the end of the deferment period.
The government pays accruing interest on subsidized federal loans during deferments.
You are responsible for interest that accrues on unsubsidized federal loans. Deferring payments for an extended period of time may substantially increase your loan balance. We strongly encourage you to make payments that at least cover your accrued interest to avoid increases in your loan balance.